Monday, April 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Bryce!

Oh how is it possible that I have a 16 year old? I swear it was yesterday that I decided to start IVF for him. He was just born, I was just in labor for 56 LONG hours. How can my baby be 16 already?

I love you Bryce, I love the young man you are becoming, your personality, humor, and joy your bring to my life. I am proud to be your Mom- and so glad you have made my life better- by being my son! Happy Birthday!


  1. The Bryce Evolution Post! Happy Birthday.

  2. Happy Sweet 16 Bryce! And wow Kate.....56 hours? And you did IVF with him? I had no idea!
    Love that last picture of him. Looks like a picture from a movie.

  3. happy b day...16! Time really does fly. Everytime I look at my 14 yr old I cant help but wonder how quickly they grow up.
    Love the tribute of pictures. Very cool
