I have to brag on Toby a little more. So, remember when I said he was chosen to wrestle for a Colorado Elite teaming Iowa? Well, he and 47 other kids went to this National tournament. 800 kids and 38 states. Toby kicked butt! He came home with the title of All American! He went 6-2 and the second day beat one of the kids he lost to on the first day. He is on a role- such a good wrestler, and straight A student and so humble. So proud of him. I had a coach contact me and ask if he could go to New Mexico next weekend- so off he goes. Out of the 47 kids only 3 came home with the title of All American! This is just the beginning for him, excited to see what his future holds. Remember folks, you knew him when....
and he wins another....
and he pins another
This was team "red" like the varsity team that went to Iowa
This is one of the other kids from our town that also went to Iowa- he was 4-4
That's so awesome! Cograts to Toby and his proud Mamas!