2009 was a year of change for us- some good and some bad. I am hoping 2010 will be a better year. I am not good at resolutions but I do have some goals:
To do more for people less fortunate then myself- I am really feeling a calling towards homeless people- so I hope to make a difference in this area and to pass this trait on to my kids
To be the best Mom I can be and to know when to let go just a little, sometimes decisions are not mine to make and I need to remember that
To treasure the time I am given with my family, my wonderful Husband, my friends, and my animals
To do more good then harm-really try to be supportive and not hinder people in any way- I would like to make this world better for people- even if it is just through some laughter
Never take my health for granted- it can be taken away in a second
May 2010 bring everyone laughter and love- thanks for sharing this journey with us and for letting us share in your lives as well.
February- Jen had a baby- unfortunately she died in October but she was pretty sweet while we had her. Jen was laid off from her job and Kate freaked out!
April- We began a huge addition of a kitchen and two bedrooms. Bryce turned 15!
June- Taya got her own room with the construction project and we went to Hawaii
Bryce got his permit
My wonderful, sweet Grandmother passed away and broke my heart- I still miss you everyday!
August- School started and Bryce helped build our new pergola on the new addition
October- Halloween was fun- Jen left for a month of training in PA- Bryce went to not one, but two, Homecomings with different girlsNovember- The Twins turned 10! Trey had hand surgery- notice who is always in a hospital bed.....

I am so blessed to have a great family and wonderful friends. From our house to yours- Happy New Year!